Bluetech’s partner the Rothen Group have recently completed the installation of a temporary shoring system to a failing retaining wall on the Ashton canal in Manchester.
The works started with vegetation clearance before removing failed top courses of brickwork. Steel supports with timber packers have then been constructed to stabilise the wall, whilst a permanent solution is designed.

The Crane Boat removes the need for manual handling with this awkward site and can also lift larger trusses into position.

With the temporary shoring installation almost completed, the failing canal wall is now secured until a permanent solution has been agreed and implemented.

Works to install another form of support to address structural faults of a different kind within the same length of canal wall were completed following the installation of the temporary shoring system.

The upper section of Ashton Canal washwall, together with a voided section of original washwall downstream of the lock weir, have now been shored up and/or infilled.

Belt and braces. The Rothen Group reconstructed a 6m section of canal washwall using Soluform pre-filled sandbags and infilled 2 cbic metre void with C40/10 concrete to top of coping level.
A brick brace was installed to maintain the integrity of the upper wall during construction. This repair was deemed to be less intrusive and less risky than removing upper courses of brick to facilitate installation of twin RSJs. All this work was completed during Storm Jocelyn. A very happy Client
Bluetech is working on a permanent solution to the upper wall and hopes to deliver an economic solution soon.